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Click on http://manor-lodge.dept.shef.ac.uk for more information about the dig, including images, history, and fieldwork findings.

Monday, 11 July 2011

Day 21: Monday the 11th of July

Bloggers: Kate 'the Goth' B. and Nat.

On site today the ground has been baked akin to a fine pastry crust, ready for the arrival of some new people. Most of the Sheffield first-year students have left, but some new volunteers (external students both from the UK and further afield) are now working on site in their stead.

Long Gallery Update

Intense elevation drawing of the plaster of the long gallery wall
Trench 22 is now almost finished, with elevations being drawn of the east-facing wall, while the trench is being cleaned back ready for photographing and planning.

Working like beavers
The fireplace feature has been uncovered and completely cleaned. The sondage is also being recorded and the stratigraphy has been inspected by Charlie's beard.
Zeus' beard says 'They're being recalcitrant!'
In trench 21, Tom is planning. Once he finishes, this trench will be completed.

Tom loves planning
Trench 20 Update

In trench 20, we are continuing to expose the north-south aligned wall in the eastern end of the trench, and excavating the interface of a clay layer, context (20025). This has yielded a large amount of animal bone and pottery sherds (some of which may be Medieval or Tudor).

The use of spoons is an integral part of archaeology, just ask Lily 'Potsmasher' Carhart. Here, Lily is cleaning the section of trench 20 using a variety of tools.
Foundation cut and possible disturbed wall being subjected to trowelling
In the extension in the eastern end of the trench the sections are being cleaned back, and the wall feature is also being cleaned in order to more clearly define its edges and fill. In the western end of the trench students are mattocking down to what we believe to be the underlying natural clay.

Today's Interview

Beth, from Dalton, Cumbria.

So, what university are you from?

Sheffield, I've just finished my first year.

What would be your ideal place to work on an excavation?

I would excavate an entire Roman town ... and I'd do it alone!

What has been the highlight of your time so far on site?
Well it may not be my highlight exactly but ... when I dragged the wheelbarrow up the spoil heap ramp and fell sideways it seemed to be a highlight for others.

Wheelbarrow Olympics 2012 gold medalist potential there. Thanks to Beth for being our interviewee for the day.

Find Of The Day

Sherd of medieval pottery with some green glaze on it. Chris Cumberpatch, a local pottery expert, has informed us that this is probably a sherd of Coal Measures pottery which may date to the late 13th century. This came from trench 20, close to the wall, and it's particularly important as it may give us a date for the activity in this area.
Quote Of The Day

Nat: "I'm only thinking what everyone's saying"

And with that gem of wisdom another day at the Manor is over!

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